Dato’ Dr. Ong Eng Long @ Ong Siew Chuan
Chairman, Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
Dato’ Dr. Ong Eng Long was appointed to the Board on 29 July 2013 as our Senior Independent Non Executive Director and a member of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Risk Management Committee. On 29 August 2022, He was re-designated as the Chairman of the Board and ceased to be a member of the Risk Management Committee, Remuneration Committee and Chairman of the Nomination Committee of the Company.
He graduated from University of Malaya with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree in 1969 and obtained PhD from Queen Mary College, London in 1973. He started off at the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia (“RRIM”) as a Senior Research Officer in 1973. He hasheld different positions in RRIM up to 1998 when it merged with two (2) other organisations to form the Malaysian Rubber Board. He was the former Deputy Director General of the Malaysian Rubber Board from 1998 to May 2001 and the former Deputy CEO of Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council from 2001 to 2008.
He has been the Technical Advisor for Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd. since July 2008. He is also the Professor (Adjunct) of Rubber appointed by the Rubber Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences and an Industry advisory panel member of the Material Technology course of the Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
He has been involved with standards development for the past two decades. He was the Chairman of ISO/TC 157 Non-Systemic Contraceptives and STI Barrier Prophylactics from 2007 till December 2017 and the Chairman of ISO/TC 45 SC4 Rubber Products Other Than Hoses from 2005 till December 2017. ISO/TC 157 is the technical committee that is responsible for, amongst others, the international condom standards while ISO/TC 45 is responsible for, also amongst others, international rubber glove standards. He has more than 150 publications in areas of rubber science and latex dipped products.
He is the Immediate Past President of the Malaysian Rubber Product Manufacturers’ Association. He was the President of the Institute of Chemistry, Malaysia from March 2014 till March 2018.

Professor Dato’ Dr. Adeeba binti Kamarulzaman
Independent Non-Executive Director
Professor Dato’ Dr. Adeeba binti Kamarulzaman was appointed to the Board on 16 January 2019 as our Independent Non-Executive Director. She is a member of the Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee. On 29 November 2021, she was appointed as a member of the Nomination Committee. On 29 August 2022, she was appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee and re-designated as Chairwoman of the Nomination Committee.
She graduated from Monash University in 1987 and trained in internal medicine and infectious diseases at the Monash Medical Centre and Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. She is presently Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya and was the Dean of Medicine from 2011 to 2019. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Yale University, USA. She established the Centre of Excellence for Research on AIDS (CERiA) that conducts multi-disciplinary research on HIV ranging from clinical studies to public health and policy research and is the Chairperson of the Malaysian AIDS Foundation and President of the International AIDS Society.
She holds numerous other positions in international bodies including as member of the WHO Science Council and Advisory Group of UNAIDS. She has played a critical role in the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic through her involvement as Chair of the UMMC COVID-19 Taskforce and as Advisor to various state governments. She was recently appointed as a member of the Malaysian National Recovery Council and appointed as the commissioner of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.
Her achievements have been recognised through several national and international awards including the Tun Mahathir Science and Merdeka Awards for her role as a member of University of Malaya’s Nipah Investigative Team. She is also the first recipient of the Advance Australia Global Award in the category of Alumni in 2012, and in April 2015 she was honoured with a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) from her alma mater, Monash University.

Dato’ Edward Siew Mun Wai
Independent Non-Executive Director
Dato’ Edward Siew Mun Wai was appointed to the Board on 27 November 2020 as our Independent Non- Executive Director and member of the Audit Committee. On 29 November 2021, he was appointed as Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and re-designated as Chairman of the Audit Committee. On 29 August 2022, he was appointed as a member of the Nomination Committee and Risk Management Committee. He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), Business Finance Professional and a Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.
After completing his ICAEW with over 8 years public practice in London, he returned to Malaysia and worked briefly for a local bank until recruited to join HSBC in its Hong Kong headquarters. This was followed by over 26 years of international expatriation in C-suite roles at the L’Oreal Group and the Ciba-Geigy (now Novartis) Group, managing their subsidiaries in Melbourne, Seoul, Paris, Bangkok, Singapore, Jakarta, Taipei and Hong Kong.
He was on the Boards of these subsidiaries representing the public listed parent company’s interests. Following his repatriation to Malaysia on the Talent Corp program, he was the Acting Global CEO/Global CFO of Crabtree & Evelyn London until its divestment. From 2011-2014, he was an Independent Director and Audit Committee Chairman of an ASX-listed junior mining company. He was Vice-Chairman of the Taipei English School and Board member of the Taipei European Schools, Associate Faculty Member of the Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business at Universiti Utara Malaysia, current member of the Sunway University Business School Industry Advisory Board and a pro-bono guest speaker at various local Universities and the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance.
Presently, he also sits on the board of directors of Malton Berhad and Prestar Resources Berhad as an Independent Non-Executive Director. He is a member of Malton Berhad’s Audit Committee, Chairman of Prestar Resources Berhad’s Audit Committee, and an Executive Director of a private company operating a premium grocery brand.

Chew Fook Aun
Independent Non-Executive Director
Chew Fook Aun was appointed to the Board on 17 April 2023 as ourIndependent Non Executive Director. On 28 August 2023, he was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Remuneration Committee and Alternate Chairman of the Nomination Committee and Chairman of the Employee Share Option Scheme Committee, a sub-committee under the Remuneration Committee.
Chew Fook Aun has over 30 years of experience in accounting, auditing and finance in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. He graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science of the University of London with a Bachelor of Science (Economics) Degree. He is a certified public accountant, a Fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and The Hong Kong Institute of Directors (HKIoD).
He was the Deputy Chairman and Executive Director (until 1 June 2023) of the Lai Sun Group of companies which is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. With effect from 2 June 2023, he was re-designated as the Deputy Chairman and Non-Executive Director of Lai Sun Garment (International) Ltd, Lai Sun Development Company Ltd and Lai Fung Holdings Ltd as announced to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Prior to joining the Lai Sun Group, he was an executive director and the group chief financial officer of Esprit Holdings Limited, an executive director and the chief financial officer of The Link REIT. He was also the chief financial officer of Kerry Properties Limited, a director of corporate finance for Kerry Holdings Limited and an executive director of Kyard Limited in charge of the property portfolio of a private family office.
He was a council member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and its vice president in 2010. He was also a Council member of the Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”), a member of the Independent Audit Oversight Reform Committee and a member of the Investigation and Compliance Committee of the FRC. He was a member of the Advisory Committee of the Securities and Futures Commission, the Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (“ICAC”), the Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee of the ICAC and the Operations Review Committee of the ICAC. He was also a member of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform of the Companies Registry.
He is presently a member of the Hong Kong Judiciary Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal Panel. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited (HKSI) and its current Vice Chairman. He is also a member of the Board of the Directors of The Asian Youth Orchestra and a Council Member of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was appointed as a board member of the Securities & Futures Commission in Hong Kong on 1 January 2023.

Lam Jiuan Jiuan
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Lam Jiuan Jiuan was appointed to the Board on 30 November 2012 as our Non-Independent Non-Executive Director. She is the Chairwoman of the Risk Management Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee. She has a vast 40 years of experience from the financial and corporate management industry.
She started out in 1976, where she joined the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, as a management trainee, where she gained a wide spectrum of retail banking experience before moving on to join Tricontinental Australia Limited in 1978. In 1979, she moved to Hong Kong and joined Toronto Dominion Bank in its Asia and Australasia Division, responsible for credit approvals of banks/corporate and monitoring country limits. In 1986, she joined the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for three (3) years as the Corporate Marketing Manager in charge of major public listed companies and as well as corporate company accounts. She joined Barclays Bank PLC in 1989 as a private banker and resigned in June 2015 as a Senior Banker in the bank’s Wealth Investment Management Division.
Subsequently, she worked in a private family office of one of the leading property developers in Hong Kong and had since retired in 2016. She has since been with the Hong Kong Office of Zedra Group, a major independent trust, corporate and fund services group, as Private Clients Advisor.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting and Commercial Laws from the University of Sydney, Australia in 1976. She is also a Fellow of Certified Public Accountant, Australia as well as a member of the Hong Kong Registered Financial Planners.

Goh Yen Yen
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Goh Yen Yen was appointed to the Board on 30 November 2012 as our Executive Director in Administration with over 20 years of experience in handling human resource, finance and administration system, internal quality auditing and also hands-on experience in budget, control and overhead cost and capital expenditure. She is a member of the Remuneration Committee.
On 31 August 2018, she was re-designated from Executive Director to Non-Independent Non-Executive Director. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree of Art in Geography with Honours from the University of Malaya in 1969. Prior to joining Karex in 1996, she was a teacher in various secondary schools in Johor for 26 years.

Goh Leng Kian
Executive Director, Technical and R&D
Goh Leng Kian was appointed to the Board on 27 September 2012 as our Executive Director in Technical and Research and Development (“R&D”). He has over 30 years of experience in the rubber and latex industry. His experience includes the establishment of the condom and catheter manufacturing plants, exposing him to a wide spectrum of roles including the supervision and management for the detail design, construction, installation, commissioning and testing of all related equipment, systems as well as the facilities of the projects.
His career started in 1980 with Ban Seng Hong Sdn. Bhd. as a Mechanical Engineer, where he was in charge of the engineering unit for the company’s rubber processing facilities. He joined our Group in 1988. He is currently responsible for overseeing our Group’s manufacturing facilities, including production and technical matters. This includes the construction and development of our condom dipping lines, electronic testing and foiling machines, R&D activities such as improving the dipping process, new automation to improve production efficiency and product quality and overall yield of the factories as well as sourcing of new packaging machinery. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours in Mechanical Engineering from the Loughborough University of Technology, UK in 1979.

Goh Miah Kiat
Executive Director,
Chief Executive Officer
Goh Miah Kiat was appointed as our Chief Executive Officer on 29 July 2013. He became an integral part of our Group since 1999 and for over 10 years, he has been overseeing the marketing and logistics, international business dealings, brand development and coordination activities. He was appointed to the Board on 25 February 2020 as our Executive Director. On 29 August 2022, he resigned from the Risk Management Committee. He has been acting as a representative of Malaysia in TC 157 (the technical committee for the standardisation of non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics) since year 2000.
Throughout his career, he has actively contributed to the development and promotion of condoms in Malaysia. He played a part in the development of the following:
- Global condom standard ISO4074
- MS ISO 16037:2010 in association with SIRIM, Malaysia
- ISCR/TC 8 – Non Systematic Contraceptives and STI
Barrier Prophylactics He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Management from the University of Sydney in 1999. He was named winner of the Master and Overall categories of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2016 Malaysia award.